Thursday, January 31, 2013

Beautiful PRS Guitars from NAMM 2013

    So, who doesn’t dream, if only for a moment, that you could pick out any guitar or other gear from a catalog or store display and it was yours? I know I do and secretly you know you do too. This past week the incredibly focused and determined staff here at invaded the NAMM 2013 show with laser guided precision and marched through each brand until our mission was complete. It wasn’t always pretty and we may have lost some along the way, but we got the goods!

We paid a visit to our good friends at the Paul Reed Smith guitars booth and as you all know they make incredible works of art. The SE import lines of guitars are by far some of the best guitars out there for the $500.00-$700.00 street price tag. Most models are crafted using mahogany bodies with a maple cap and PRS designed pickups.  Take a peek at these beauties. To see other PRS Guitars click:

Written By Joe B


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